Thomas Morton – From New English Canaan

(The Authors Prologue)

If art and industry should doe as much
As Nature hath for Canaan, not such
Another place, for benefit and rest,
In all the universe can be possest.
The more we proove it by discovery,
The more delight each object to the eye
Procures; as if the elements had here
Bin reconcil’d, and pleas’d it should appeare
Like a faire virgin, longing to be sped
And meete her lover in a Nuptiall bed,
Deck’d in rich ornaments t’ advaunce her state
And excellence, being most fortunate
When most enjoy’d: so would our Canaan be
If well imploy’d by art and industry;
Whose offspring now, shewes that her fruitfull wombe,
Not being enjoy’d, is like a glorious tombe,
Admired things producing which there dye,
And ly fast bound in darck obscurity:
The worth of which, in each particuler,
Who list to know, this abstract will declare.

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