We were young, we were merry, we were very very wise,And the door stood open at our feast,When there passed us a woman with the West in her eyes,And a man with his back to the East.O, still grew the hearts that were beating so fast,The loudest voice was still.The jest died away on...
Showing posts with label Mary Elizabeth Coleridge (1861-1907). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mary Elizabeth Coleridge (1861-1907). Show all posts
Mary Elizabeth Coleridge – A Moment
The clouds had made a crimson crownAbove the mountains high.The stormy sun was going downIn a stormy sky.Why did you let your eyes so rest on me,And hold your breath between?In all the ages this can never beAs if it had not be...
Mary Elizabeth Coleridge – When my love did what I would not, what I would not
When my love did what I would not, what I would not,
I could hear his merry voice upon the wind,
Crying, "e;Fairest, shut your eyes, for see you should not.
Love is blind!"
When my love said what I say not, what I say not,
With a joyous laugh he quieted my fears,
Mary Elizabeth Coleridge – Punctilio
O LET me be in loving nice,
Dainty, fine, and o’er precise,
That I may charm my charmàd dear
As tho’ I felt a secret fear
To lose what never can be lost,—
Her faith who still delights me most!
So shall I be more than true,
Ever in my ageing new.
So dull habit shall not be
Mary Elizabeth Coleridge – Come Home!
When wintry winds are no more heard,
And joy's in every bosom,
When summer sings in every bird,
And shines in every blossom,
When happy twilight hours are long,
Come home, my love, and think no wrong!
When berries gleam above the stream
And half the fields are yellow,
Mary Elizabeth Coleridge – The Other Side of a Mirror
I sat before my glass one day,
And conjured up a vision bare,
Unlike the aspects glad and gay,
That erst were found reflected there -
The vision of a woman, wild
With more than womanly despair.
Her hair stood back on either side
A face bereft of loveliness.
It had...
Mary Elizabeth Coleridge – The Witch
I HAVE walked a great while over the snow,
And I am not tall nor strong.
My clothes are wet, and my teeth are set,
And the way was hard and long.
I have wandered over the fruitful earth,
But I never came here before.
Oh, lift me over the threshold, and let me in at the door!
Mary Elizabeth Coleridge – Larghetto
Grant me but a day, love,
But a day,
Ere I give my heart,
My heart away,
Ere I say the word
I'll ne'er unsay.
Is it earnest with me?
Is it play?
Did the world in arms
Cry to me, "Stay!"
Not a moment then
Would I delay.
Yet, for very love,
I say thee nay.
Mary Elizabeth Coleridge – He came unto His own, and His own received Him not
As Christ the Lord was passing by,
He came, one night, to a cottage door.
He came, a poor man, to the poor;
He had no bed whereon to lie.
He asked in vain for a crust of bread,
Standing there in the frozen blast.
The door was locked and bolted fast.
‘Only a beggar!’ the poor...
Mary Elizabeth Coleridge – We Never Said Farewell
We never said farewell, nor even looked
Our last upon each other, for no sign
Was made when we the linkèd chain unhooked
And broke the level line.
And here we dwell together, side by side,
Our places fixed for life upon the chart.
Two islands that the roaring seas...
Mary Elizabeth Coleridge – Our Lady
Mother of God! no lady thou:
Common woman of common earth
Our Lady ladies call thee now,
But Christ was never of gentle birth;
A common man of the common earth.
For God’s ways are not as our ways:
The noblest lady in the land
Would have given up half her days,
Mary Elizabeth Coleridge – Good Friday in my Heart
Good friday in my heart! Fear and affright!
My thoughts are the Disciples when they fled,
My words the words that priest and soldier said,
My deed the spear to desecrate the dead.
And day, Thy death therein, is changed to night.
Then Easter in my heart sends up the...
Mary Elizabeth Coleridge – Blue and White
Blue is Our Lady’s colour,
White is Our Lord’s.
To-morrow I will wear a knot
Of blue and white cords,
That you may see it, where you ride
Among the flashing swords.
O banner, white and sunny blue,
With prayer I wove thee!
For love the white, for faith the heavenly...
Mary Elizabeth Coleridge – Affection
The earth that made the rose,
She also is thy mother, and not I.
The flame wherewith thy maiden spirit glows
Was lighted at no hearth that I sit by.
I am as far below as heaven above thee.
Were I thine angel, more I could not love thee.
Bid me defend thee!
Thy danger...
Mary Elizabeth Coleridge – Jealousy
‘The myrtle bush grew shady
Down by the ford.’
‘Is it even so?’ said my lady.
‘Even so!’ said my lord.
‘The leaves are set too thick together
For the point of a sword.
‘The arras in your room hangs close,
No light between!
You wedded one of those that see unseen.’
Mary Elizabeth Coleridge – Marriage
No more alone sleeping, no more alone waking,Thy dreams divided, thy prayers in twain;Thy merry sisters tonight forsaking,Never shall we see, maiden, again.Never shall we see thee, thine eyes glancing.Flashing with laughter and wild in glee,Under the mistletoe kissing and dancing,Wantonly...
Mary Elizabeth Coleridge – To Memory
Strange Power, I know not what thou art,Murderer or mistress of my heart.I know I'd rather meet the blowOf my most unrelenting foeThan live---as now I live---to beSlain twenty times a day by thee.Yet, when I would command thee hence,Thou mockest at the vain pretence,Murmuring in...
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