Mary Elizabeth Coleridge – When my love did what I would not, what I would not

Mary Elizabeth Coleridge- When my love did what I would not, what I would not

When my love did what I would not, what I would not,
I could hear his merry voice upon the wind,
Crying, "e;Fairest, shut your eyes, for see you should not.
Love is blind!"

When my love said what I say not, what I say not,
With a joyous laugh he quieted my fears,
Whispering, "Fairest, hearken not, for hear you may not.
Hath Love ears?"

When my love said, "Will you longer let me seek it?
Blind and deaf is she that doth not bid me come!"
All my heart said murmuring, "Dearest, can I speak it?
Love is dumb

Charlotte Mew – The Trees are Down

Charlotte Mew-The Trees are Down

—and he cried with a loud voice:
Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees—

They are cutting down the great plane-trees at the end of the gardens.
For days there has been the grate of the saw, the swish of the branches as they fall,
The crash of the trunks, the rustle of trodden leaves,
With the ‘Whoops’ and the ‘Whoas,’ the loud common talk, the loud common laughs of the men, above it all.

I remember one evening of a long past Spring
Turning in at a gate, getting out of a cart, and finding a large dead rat in the mud of the drive.
I remember thinking: alive or dead, a rat was a god-forsaken thing,
But at least, in May, that even a rat should be alive.

The week’s work here is as good as done. There is just one bough
   On the roped bole, in the fine grey rain,
             Green and high
             And lonely against the sky.
                   (Down now!—)
             And but for that,   
             If an old dead rat
Did once, for a moment, unmake the Spring, I might never have thought of him again.

It is not for a moment the Spring is unmade to-day;
These were great trees, it was in them from root to stem:
When the men with the ‘Whoops’ and the ‘Whoas’ have carted the whole of the whispering loveliness away
Half the Spring, for me, will have gone with them.

It is going now, and my heart has been struck with the hearts of the planes;
Half my life it has beat with these, in the sun, in the rains,   
             In the March wind, the May breeze,
In the great gales that came over to them across the roofs from the great seas.
             There was only a quiet rain when they were dying;
             They must have heard the sparrows flying,   
And the small creeping creatures in the earth where they were lying—
             But I, all day, I heard an angel crying:
             ‘Hurt not the trees.’

Charlotte Mew – Saturday Market

Charlotte Mew-Saturday Market

Bury your heart in some deep green hollow
     Or hide it up in a kind old tree;
Better still, give it the swallow
     When she goes over the sea.
In Saturday’s Market there’s eggs a ’plenty
     And dead-alive ducks with their legs tied down,
Grey old gaffers and boys of twenty—
     Girls and the women of the town—
Pitchers and sugar-sticks, ribbons and laces,
     Poises and whips and dicky-birds’ seed,
Silver pieces and smiling faces,
     In Saturday Market they’ve all they need.
What were you showing in Saturday Market
     That set it grinning from end to end
Girls and gaffers and boys of twenty—?
     Cover it close with your shawl, my friend—
Hasten you home with the laugh behind you,
     Over the down—, out of sight,
Fasten your door, though no one will find you,
     No one will look on a Market night.
See, you, the shawl is wet, take out from under
     The red dead thing—. In the white of the moon
On the flags does it stir again? Well, and no wonder!
     Best make an end of it; bury it soon.
If there is blood on the hearth who’ll know it?
     Or blood on the stairs,
When a murder is over and done why show it?
     In Saturday Market nobody cares.
Then lie you straight on your bed for a short, short weeping
     And still, for a long, long rest,
There’s never a one in the town so sure of sleeping
     As you, in the house on the down with a hole in your breast.
              Think no more of the swallow,
                     Forget, you, the sea,
     Never again remember the deep green hollow
                     Or the top of the kind old tree!

Edgar Allan Poe – Eldorado

Edgar Allan Poe-Eldorado

Gaily bedight,
A gallant knight,
In sunshine and in shadow,
Had journeyed long,
Singing a song,
In search of Eldorado.

But he grew old-
This knight so bold-
And o'er his heart a shadow
Fell as he found
No spot of ground
That looked like Eldorado.

And, as his strength
Failed him at length,
He met a pilgrim shadow-
"Shadow," said he,
"Where can it be-
This land of Eldorado?"

"Over the Mountains
Of the Moon,
Down the Valley of the Shadow,
Ride, boldly ride,"
The shade replied-
"If you seek for Eldorado!"

But he grew old-
This knight so bold-
And o'er his heart a shadow
Fell as he found
No spot of ground
That looked like Eldorado.

And, as his strength
Failed him at length,
He met a pilgrim shadow-
"Shadow," said he,
"Where can it be-
This land of Eldorado?"

"Over the Mountains
Of the Moon,
Down the Valley of the Shadow,
Ride, boldly ride,"
The shade replied-
"If you seek for Eldorado!"

Charles Bukowski – Cows In Art Class

Charles-Bukowski- Cows In Art Class

good weather
is like
good women-
it doesn't always happen
and when it does
it doesn't
always last.
man is
more stable:
if he's bad
there's more chance
he'll stay that way,
or if he's good
he might hang
but a woman
is changed
the moon
the absence or
presence of sun
or good times.
a woman must be nursed
into subsistence
by love
where a man can become
by being hated.
I am drinking tonight in Spangler's Bar
and I remember the cows
I once painted in Art class
and they looked good
they looked better than anything
in here. I am drinking in Spangler's Bar
wondering which to love and which
to hate, but the rules are gone:
I love and hate only
they stand outside me
like an orange dropped from the table
and rolling away; it's what I've got to
kill myself or
love myself?
which is the treason?
where's the information
coming from? broken glass:
I wouldn't wipe my ass with 'em
yet, it's getting
darker, see?
(we drink here and speak to
each other and
seem knowing.)
buy the cow with the biggest
buy the cow with the biggest
present arms.
the bartender slides me a beer
it runs down the bar
like an Olympic sprinter
and the pair of pliers that is my hand
stops it, lifts it,
golden piss of dull temptation,
I drink and
stand there
the weather bad for cows
but my brush is ready
to stroke up
the green grass straw eye
sadness takes me all over
and I drink the beer straight down
order a shot
to give me the guts and the love to