America will not turn back;
She did not idly start,
But weighed full carefully and well
Her grave, important part.
She chose the part of Freedom's friend,
And will pursue it, to the end.
Great Liberty, who guards her gates,
Will shine upon her course,
And light the long, adventurous path
With radiance from God's Source.
And though blood dye that ocean track,
America will not turn back.
She will not turn until that hour
When thunders through the world
The crash of tyrant monarchies
By Freedom's hand down-hurled.
While Labour's voice from sea to sea
Sings loud, "My country, 'tis of thee."
Then will our fair Columbia turn,
While all wars' clamours cease,
And with our banner lifted high
Proclaim, "Let there be Peace,"
But till that glorious day shall dawn
She will march on, she will march on.