Rise Oedipeus, and, if thou canst, unfouldWhat meanes Caribdis underneath the mould,When Scilla sollitary on the ground(Sitting in forme of Niobe) was found,Till Amphitrites Darling did acquaintGrim Neptune with the Tenor of her plaint,And causd him send forth Triton with...
Showing posts with label Thomas Morton (1590-1647). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thomas Morton (1590-1647). Show all posts
Thomas Morton – The Songe
Drink and be merry, merry, merry boyes;
Let all your delight be in the Hymens ioyes;
Iô to Hymen, now the day is come,
About the merry Maypole take Roome.
Make greene garlons, bring bottles out
And fill sweet Nectar freely about.
Thomas Morton – From New English Canaan
(The Authors Prologue)
If art and industry should doe as much
As Nature hath for Canaan, not such
Another place, for benefit and rest,
In all the universe can be possest.
The more we proove it by discovery,
The more delight each object to the eye
Procures; as if...
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